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Blog Entries

Americans Drive on the Left and Other Truths I’ve Learned

[…] you can come to China and impress everyone by saying you caught a fish THIS BIG. “Americans Drive on the Left and Other Truths I’ve Learned” was originally published at small town laowai on May 8, 2015. Header image courtesy of Traffic (are you ready?) by Marianna, on Flickr Text images courtesy of small town laowai

Blog Entries

Be A Better Dad Today

A Book Review

Be a Better Dad Today: Ten Tools Every Father Needs by Gregory Slayton, Regal, 2012. Kindle version available from Amazon for $9.99; other formats also available.  成就好爸爸:男人一生最重要的工作 (Be a Better Dad Today, Chinese version), 2014. Kindle电子书version available from for¥4.99; other formats also available. Kindle电子书version available from for ¥3.99; other formats also available. Reviewed by Barney Ambassador.  Philanthropist.  Venture Capitalist.  Harvard Business School Professor.  […]


ZGBriefs | May 7, 2015

<h3></h3> <p>Draft Law: Foreign NGOs Can Open Offices with Approval (May 6, 2015,<em> China Digital Times</em>)<br /> The Foreign NGO Management Law has undergone a second reading by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, and will now be reviewed and revised before the third reading. The new draft contains a significant change from […]


ZGBriefs | June 11, 2020

This US church with expansion in its DNA wants to open a temple in China (June 6, 2020, CNN) The Church claims it won't change anything, but the idea that a US church with expansion in its DNA could open an official temple in China is likely to be controversial…


ZGBriefs | June 15, 2023

Marriages in China drop to record low despite government push (June 13, 2023, The Guardian) The number of marriages in China last year dropped to 6.83 million, the lowest since records began in 1986. Data released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs showed the number of couples tying the knot in 2022 fell by […]


ZGBriefs | February 4, 2016

<p></p> <p>Light government touch lets China’s Hui practice Islam in the open (February 1, 2016,  <em>The New  York Times</em>)<br /> Throughout Ningxia and the adjacent Gansu Province, new filigreed mosques soar over even the smallest villages, adolescent boys and girls spend their days studying the Quran at religious schools, and muezzin summon the faithful […]


ZGBriefs | September 22, 2022

Temple excursions booming among Chinese youth (September 21, 2022, The China Project) According to government data, there are currently more than 33,000 Buddhist temples in China. An increasing number of them find themselves hosting urban youth who seek an escape from the rat race.


ZGBriefs | August 27, 2020

[…] the Bible itself cuts to the heart of evangelical sensibilities. Society / Life Changes to China’s hukou system are creating new divides  (August 19, 2020, The Economist) The rich find it easier to move to big cities; the poor are being pushed towards small ones. Mukbang: Why is China clamping down on eating influencers?  (August 20, 2020, BBC) […]


Open for Business

<p>China is "open for business." This was not true twenty-five years ago. In order to "win" in China's marketplace, this author has found, inter alia, the following to be best practices.</p>

Blog Entries

China Is Open—For Business and More

China is open for business, and a lot more. What is God calling you to do with that information? What might you try?